FAQ of Miniatures Autos Motos store

  • Models in stock

    The models indicated "in stock" are really in our stock. You can be sure the miniature is available and will be snet as soon as payment received. You will not get a message saying model is no longer available. A model in our stock is really avaiblable when you buy it.

  • Where to find information about availability and stock

    You can find the notice of in stock on the page of every model. If on a model it says "Not in stock" that means it is available but not in our stock. Meanwhile you can still order it.

  • Product availability

    The presentation page of every model is provided by the notice of availability of the miniature.

  • Buy a model in our stock

    All models noticed "in stock" is really in our stock, we can send it as soon as payment received.

  • Acheter un article hors stock

    All models notified "Not in stock" are available by provider. An inventory of our providers stocks is done regularly by our service, the models on online store are available by our providers. If the model is no longer available, we delet it immediatly from our online store Miniatures Autos Motos.

    If you order a model not in our stock, you have to add 3 to 15 working days delay.

  • Cancellation of an order

    It is possible to cancel an order at any time even if it has been confirmed. Please contact us for this. If you have all ready paid, you will be reimbursed (excluding extra costs as international bank transfer costs or Paypal/Ogone costs).

    If the order has already been shiped, you have 14 days to cancel and send it back to us. Always wait for our confirmation and details before sending back your order. You will be refunded (excluding extra costs as international bank transfer cost or Paypal/Ogone costs and return shiping costs).

  • Modify an order

    If you have confirmed or confirmed and paid your order, it is still possible to modify it. Please contact us for this. We will modify the order, you will be refunded if necessary and will get a new notification on you order.

  • Models to come or announced

    You can find all new models annouced, that will arrive in our store. You can find the date or release (if confirmed) of each miniature by checking the information sheet.

    You can check out the models soon to be released on the page "Soon available".

    A pre-ordered model that has no date of release confirmed. This meens model will be produced but not date or release is fixed for the moment. It can be available in 4 months like it could be available in 8 months. You can pre-order an announced model. (see bellow)

  • Pre-order a model

    You can pre-order models that are not yet available. You then have the inssurance that you will get it as soon as it is available and you benefit of a 10% discount on the price of the model.

    To pre-order, you just have to buy the model following the secured transacation, as normal. You can save your order and will be invited to pay 15% so we can book the miniature.

    The rest of payment is done once the model in our stock. We send you an e-mail. For example, if you pre-order a Spark miniature of 61.50€ euros that is available in 6 weeks, your price will be of 55.35€ euros as you benefit of 10% discount. You will pay 9€ euros advance payment now and the rest in 6 weeks. The model is booked once confirmation of the pre-order. You will always receive confirmation of pre-order by e-mail.

    Do your pre-orders separatly of you orders of model in stock and create one pre-order by model. This will allow us to do seperate orders.

    Note that the pre-order price announced on the model page is the price communicated at the time of the model's announcement by the manufacturer. This price is given as an indication and may be subject to change depending on the manufacturer's price at the time of the actual availability of the model. But you will still get a 10% pre-order discount no matter what.

  • Shiping an order

    Orders are shiped once payment received. If we receive payment before 12:00 pm local time, it is still possible your order leaves the same day.

    Delivey delays take between 1 day (Belgium) to 10 days (out of europe). For the countries close to Belgium it will take 2 - 4 working days. Add 3 to 15 working days for models not in our stock.

  • Packaging

    All orders are packed in adapted boxes for the transport. Inside the boxes are protection like air cushions, bubble wrap or wraping chips. The parcels are sealed with adhesive paper. The shipments are protected for the minimum risks and maximum safty for the transport.

  • Shipping costs

    You can check out the shiping costs by adding a model to your shoping cart. The shiping costs depends of the total weight of the order. The shipping costs do not add to one an other, this means that following the weight of a model, you will maybe pay the same shiping costs for an order of one model, two models or three models.

  • Shipping costs by country :

    Belgique3,50 €6,50 €6,50 €6,50 €6,50 €
    France3,50 €6,80 €7,99 €7,99 €7,99 €
    Luxembourg3,90 €6,50 €6,50 €6,50 €6,50 €
    Netherlands3,90 €6,50 €6,50 €6,50 €6,50 €
    Germany3,90 €6,99 €6,99 €6,99 €6,99 €
    United Kingdom3,90 €13,50 €13,50 €13,50 €13,50 €
    Suisse3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €16,90 €21,90 €
    Italy3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €14,90 €17,90 €
    Spain3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €16,90 €21,90 €
    Portugal3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €16,90 €21,90 €
    Austria3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €16,90 €21,90 €
    Hungary3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €16,90 €21,90 €
    Norway3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €24,90 €26 €
    USA4,90 €9,90 €13,50 €16,90 €30 €
    Australia4,90 €13,50 €21,90 €29 €39 €
    Canada4,90 €13,50 €19,90 €21,90 €27 €
    Russia3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €26,90 €35 €
    EU3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €16,90 €21,90 €
    Europe no EU3,90 €9,90 €13,50 €25,90 €32,90 €
    World4,9 €13,50 €21,90 €29 €39 €

  • We can send everywhere in Europe and the entire World

    Delivery delays can take 2-4 working days for countries close to Belgium, to 10 working days for the countries further away. Add 3 to 15 working days delay for any model not in our stock.